Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A canopy of blossom

Oh my.

Once again, the chaos that is this lovely shop has overwhelmed my excellent blogging intentions. On a positive however, this is definitely not the lengthiest hiatus we've experienced now, is it? (Please don't go checking, simply take my word for it).

What's been happening?
Ohhh a little bit of Valentines Day, a little bit of wedding loveliness, some delicious photo shoots and general floral love at the shop. Photos of all to come I should think.

But, in the mean time, it was brought to my delighted attention late last week, that one of our lovely brides has had her wedding featured in Cosmo Bride, hooray! (It makes us feel a bit grown up when this happens!).

We set up for this wedding while the sun was still up... up and down a ladder suspending the canopy, in and out of the van with mountains of blossom... And while it looked a bit lovely as we disappeared before the guests arrived, it's so exciting to see the flowers in action!

Oh to dine under a canopy of blossom...

Until I type again soon, flower lovers!

Charlie x